Water War: Your Battle Plan for Saving Your Soaked Belongings

Water War: Your Battle Plan for Saving Your Soaked Belongings

One of the most heartbreaking aspects of dealing with water damage is realizing that your treasured personal belongings have also been impacted. While some items may be unsalvageable, still there are proper methods for handling, drying and potentially restoring water-logged contents.

Before entering a water-damaged area, make sure it is safe to do so and avoid any risks of electrical shock. The first step is wearing protective gear like boots, gloves and a mask when handling water-damaged items that were probably exposed to contaminated water. Remember, safety first.

Next, carefully remove as many damp items as possible from the affected area to prevent mold growth. However, avoid unnecessarily moving objects through standing water, which could cause spreading contamination.

Sort items into categories based on their priority and composition:

Dealing with water-damaged possessions is difficult, but damaged does not always mean ruined. With some thoughtful handling, drying techniques and professional help, there is a chance that some items can still be restored. It’s important to say that at Water’s Fault, we offer any types of water damage restoration such as dehumidification, drying, damage restoration and mold removal.

Items hold memories, but your safety should be the top priority.

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